by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Outsourced Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT CONNEXIONS CUISINE [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] Way back when…. when digital marketing was still in its infancy, before Twitter became mainstream and Google Places for Business didn’t even exist, JCK...
by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Consulting Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT GIVE2GIVE [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] As a local charity, give2give always has to keep an eye on their budget to ensure their charitable aims can be delivered. However as they have 4 retail outlets, ensuring a...
by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Mobile Website Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT KINGSHOLM VENUES [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] Kingsholm Venues is the conference centre arm of Gloucester Rugby Club. The website receives a lot of traffic with 25% coming from a mobile device. It was discovered that...
by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Email Marketing Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT BROMLEY COURT HOTEL [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] As the largest hotel in Bromley, the Bromley Court Hotel has long been known as a great venue for conferences, weddings (and wedding fairs) as well as their regular...
by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Design Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT JK PHYSIO [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] For many years Joanne Kingston was known as just that – Joanne Kingston and Associates. But as her practice grew Jo became convinced that she needed to move away from...
by Jo | Dec 9, 2013 | Consulting Portfolio, Portfolio
ABOUT BECKENHAM CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTRE [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] Micro business can be lonely places… When the business owner is the MD, the Marketing Director, the Finance Director, the Operations Director...