by Jo | May 23, 2013 | blog, Content Marketing
A daily conversation we have with many of our clients is the importance of writing a blog. There are many benefits of including this discipline into your marketing mix but its still one area that we know small businesses struggle with. Your Tips for Success Here are...
by Jo | May 10, 2013 | blog, Content Marketing
You’ll all have seen them, those amazing pictures that simply tell a story by displaying the most important facts in a creative way. Infographics are a great way to spice up your content ideas as they turn the most boring of subjects into something that can be...
by Jo | Mar 25, 2013 | Blog Archive, Content Marketing
Life just gets quicker and quicker. Years ago we were happy to wait for the postman to bring us our letters, our bills, cheques and contracts. If it took a week, so be it. That all changed and soon it was telex’s and fax’s and more recently email. Then...
by Jo | Feb 27, 2013 | Blog Archive, Content Marketing
So we know that 2013 will be the year to really grasp content marketing and get your website noticed with great pieces of writing that will help you get found. It does help if you get a content calendar together as a starting point, but there are some other neat...
by Jo | Feb 26, 2013 | blog, Content Marketing
Regular readers know that we have spent some time over the past few months telling you that content is King and that you should be looking at ways of increasing your original content on your site that enhances your website, your expertise and focuses on the keywords...
by Jo | Feb 21, 2013 | blog, Content Marketing
(Or in other words – #what on earth do I write about when coming up with social media content?!!??) In true ‘Ask the Expert’ style, this week we seem to have been asked this question a lot, so we thought we should probably give away some of our trade secrets to help...